Hi team,
I would like to address some current issues with the app. Recently, as the snapshot approaches, I have noticed an increasing number of newcomers joining our DC, which is a good thing. However, through their perspectives, I have also identified some existing problems. The most common question they ask is how to earn more Phaver points, and our moderators usually just tell them to post more high-quality content. While this answer is not wrong, it is quite irresponsible. What constitutes high-quality content? Will people phaver your posts just because you posted a high-quality content? Obviously not.
Currently, various verification badges and levels are displayed next to our names. Even though some big influencers only post something as simple as "GM," they can still earn hundreds of Phavers and accumulate a large number of points due to their verification badges and levels. On the other hand, newcomers who put a lot of effort into their posts are often ignored because they lack verification badges and are not at Level 5, significantly discouraging them from posting. Even if someone does see their posts and phaver them, the returns are so minimal that people gradually stop investing in these posts. This creates a vicious cycle where more and more newcomers rush to phaver the big influencers simply because they have verification badges and high levels, which attract others and increase their own earnings.
If this continues, the app will become dominated by big influencers and high-level verified users, becoming less friendly to newcomers. Big influencers will no longer post high-quality posts, because they can reap considerable profits no matter what they post. Therefore, I suggest we need to take some measures to change this, such as removing various verification and level displays or implementing other reasonable measures, high levels can be used as multiples of points,and so on.
Thank you.